One Couple's Stumblings Through Parenthood and Marriage
This was the moment we were looking forward to most after Sam was born: to watch as the girls' met Sam for the first time.The twins had a decent notion of what was going on. They understood that mommy had a baby in her tummy and that he was coming out soon. Julia didn't have quite the same grasp of the situation, but she knew roughly was going on.Genna, by rights of her overwhelming enthusiasm, got to hold Sam first (she shouldered and elbowed her way to the front of the line). She just could not stop smiling and touching and pressing her cheek against him. Sam, for his part, seemed unphased and unimpressed.
Kate got to hold her new brother next. And though she wasn't as vociferous (squealy, really) in her exclaiming over the baby, she was no less excited and thrilled. She was aglow while basking in his babiness. Sam, for his part, seemed unphased and unimpressed.Julia came last, though certainly not least. For those of you who know Julia, you'll recall that she was born with an intense baby hunger. She trembles with excitement at seeing them and shrieks when denied access to them. I believe her smile says it all. She was in heaven with her 'baby bwudah' (alternatively, her 'littoh bwudah'). Again, Sam, for his part, seemed unphased and unimpressed.

Our little family has had a very busy past week or so. Annie in particular. She was busy laboring and giving birth (I myself only broke a mild sweat while coaching her). And though many of you have already met Sam, or seen pictures on Uncle Chrissy's blog, here is the official press release.Say howdy to Samuel Monroe Lindsay, born 8/6/7 (that's 867-5309 to you 80s Pop fans), measuring in at a robust 21.5", and weighing a hefty 9 lbs 13 oz.
We've had him for just over a week now, and it looks like we're going to keep him. Besides, the return policy expires in two days.
Here he is being assaulted by his first bath. He didn't take too kindly to it. He hardly made a whimper when he was born, but this sent him into fits of crankiness. What does it say about a lad who has no problem being pushing through a birthing canal and then balks at a bath? I can't imagine that it bodes well for us.This next shot is of him laid out in his warmer. I tried to get the camera low to give you a perspective on how big he is. He's three pounds bigger than our previous biggy (Julia, at 6 lbs 13 oz), and it feels as though we skipped the whole newborn phase with Sam and jumped ahead about a month.
This last shot shows his jowliness. His cheeks are so heavy that they stretch his face ground-ward. I'm just wondering if the stars are aligning for another Tillman - Lindsay love connection. Is there any coincidence in the fact that Sam and Maggie were born within months of each other and that they weighed in at the same exact poundage? I think not.