1) This piece is called "Horsies and Birds". Kate couldn't wait to show it to me. She ran up to me and said, "Daddy, look at all these horsies. And see these two birds (she points to the two m's in the lower right-hand corner), they are going to eat all the horsies."
Thanks, Kate. You took an otherwise quaint picture and made it disturbing--truly the workings of the right-brained artist.
2) This drawing, done in preparation for Halloween, is called "Scary, Scary Night". You can see the pumpkin in the grass, the ghost chasing after the airborne spider, the stars arrayed in the heavens. And to top it all off, she has a smiling, broomborne witch. Halloween in a nutshell, my friends.
3) This last one is called "Sam: a portrait of a baby boy." Kate was sitting in her auntie Kelly's lap and watching Sam resting in his swing (a blessed piece of furniture). With this cute scene as inspiration, she drew the following. Can't you see his oval face, whispy hair, round ears, and pacifier (shaped like a butterfly)? The arms and legs sticking out from his head are an added bonus.
Kate, I see a bright, magnetic world in your future.