I am just amazed that Ian was resourceful enough to find our president in his Texas denim actually holding a wombat on the Whitehouse lawn. I never even knew that President Bush felt any affection for our Australian marsupial allies.
Three cheers for Ian.
This is awsome. I knew that the president secretly used wombats to "clear brush" (we all know what that means) on his ranch. Also, as of course you know dear readers, Wombats have been used by the C.I.A. for years, powerful hypodermic needle shooting guns mounted to their furry heads.
I think this "art" is pretty lame. The image has clearly been photoshopped...poorly. In addition, many people are likly to be offended by the the images crass, sexual message. I think everyone out there knows what I am talking about.
I think that Bill Gates is upset only because Photoshop, an ADOBE, product was used, and not Microsoft's counterpiece.
I also find it interesting that both Justin Lindsay and Bill Gates assume that 'we all know what they are talking about' when they make absurd comments. But certainly they couldn't be the same people, like Superman and Clark Kent. Afterall, Justin doesn't wear glasses.
Are you implying Justin is superman, and Bill Gates Clark Kent?
Hey, if the cape fits...
Why Justin would have his mild-mannered alter ego be, for all intents and purposes, far more powerful than his 'superhero' self, know one can know. Maybe that is one of his super powers. Very mysterious.
Hey Rage, love the site! I havent seen you since Wom-con '04! That was CRAZY!!! Do you rememeber that one chick, with the things and the crazy truck! And OMG Scooter!!! Who could forget that. Well keep on Wom-bat'n buddy...see you at 06?
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