I just got back from the doctors, with my MRI results and my what-to-do-next list in hand. Sadly, my neck pain isn't being caused by having a Wolverine-style adamantine neck (probably for the best, should I ever have to face Magneto again). Neither is it caused by an evil twin sprouting from my spine. Rather, the radiologist identified the cause as a "very large herniated disc, in the C5-6 region, posterior lateral." YA! The hernia itself hurts, plus it is pinching nerves. A double-blast of fun - with no known cause.

What does all of this mean? I will stay on the steroids until this cycle runs out, and I will continue with the ibuprofen for another month. In the mean time, I have been referred to the neuro-surgical and physical therapy departments. The neuro-surgeon will consult with me on my lack of options, and the therapist is going to hook me up with a 'cervical traction' machine. I am afraid it will be very much like Buppa H's medieval torture device. But hey, anything to avoid surgery - which will most likely be at the top of the list for the neuro-surgeon.
The good news is that I do seem to be improving. When the doctor did some testing on me, he noted that I still have the grip strength of a silverback gorilla and the reflexes of a mongoose (his diagnosis, not mine).
Annie came with me to my appointment. She is very supportive. She noticed that when I get nervous, I get 'real nerdy' (her words) - as evidenced by the many jokes I was cracking to my doctors (such as referring to my condition as 'neck-o-riffic.'). Oh well. I was just glad she was there.
Wow...you look...um...robust. Im sure youll probably be fine or something :)
Robust is exactly the effect I was shooting for. Thanks for your support.
"real nerdy" is making me laugh. Thanks Annie. Or maybe I should thank Justin for his neckoriffic condition...
Just thank Annie. She married me knowing I was 'real nerdy' - but not knowing that I was prone to being neck-o-riffic.
I like the look of dignified resignation you have adopted in this shot. It will serve you well when you do have to meet Magneto in battle.
Thank you, Chelsa. My stoicism will indeed serve me well. Magneto won't know what hit him - be it my Super Cervical Pillow or my Neck Brace of Doom.
Ah, my tough macho brother. The Pretty Pretty Princess, enough to make any girl proud. Just know Justin, that if I ever need your help with scaring off one of my suitors, I will deny any existence of this photo.
Thanks, Kelly. My self-esteem is now whole.
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