One bit of instruction she was given before coming to the U.S. (this is her first time abroad) was that she is to work to improve the image of Muslims in the eyes of Americans by fielding questions and letting us know what Islam and the Middle East are all about. I have already asked her a number of questions (no, she doesn't know where bin Laden is or where the WMDs are, Chris), such as, What is with the whole martyrs receiving virgins thing? What is the main difference between Shi'ites and Sunnis? What's your opinion of Al Qaeda?
So, if any of you have any questions regarding Islam, Arabs, the Middle East, etc., feel free to leave a comment. I'll forward them to her - if you're lucky.
I just don't understand why any man would like a 70 year old virgin. Must be a oedipus Muslim thing
Be nice, Kelly.
Ask her about the djinn.
That might explain the lamp I saw in her bag ...
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