One Couple's Stumblings Through Parenthood and Marriage
After the Taunting
Annie and I felt bad that Julia was excluded from all of the rides at Funderland. After taunting her with a number of rides she couldn't go on, we took them all on the Merry-Go-Round. As you can see from these photos, it didn't go so well.
The twins handled the vertigo- inducing heights of the carousel just fine. They sat in eager anticipation for the ride to begin. Julia, though, would have none of it. She erupted in tears at once and clutched at Annie. She continued like this for the entire ride - maybe standing outside the fence wasn't so bad afterall, eh?
Once the carousel began turning - at break-neck speed - even Kate began to have some misqivings. I assume that it was Julia's lack of composure that most unsettled Kate. Here is Annie offering a shoulder to her oldest and youngest daughters. At least one of them is having a good time (look at Julia's face!). Genna sat stoicly through the entire ride. I still don't know if she enjoyed it at all. I myself got a bit queasy as I spun backwards and tried to get the best angles for the photos. That was my penance.
Max is glad to know that Julia has a weakness. Older, stronger, and steadier on her feet she may be, but she can be brought down by merry-go-round horses! Now to find a merry-go-round ...
Uh oh. I am arming Max with to much intel ...
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