The twins were reluctant at first, but Kate decided to venture forth and give the old man her wish list, which was simply "Twelve Dancing Princesses." He had better deliver.
Annie tried to soothe her (and no, Annie isn't sitting in Santa's lap - that's just the camera angle...or so she tells me.) She tried to point out daddy (who was busy snapping photos of Julia's fright), but Julia would not be placated. I hope she continues to have this reaction to strange men as she enters her teenage years. I won't have to wield my shotgun as often.
I think Julia was probably upset and horrified over what her sisters asked for from Santa.
Is Santa holding a dijery-doo? Or a rainstick? Because I think I may have some insight into Julia's crying, if so.
Not even her blankie could soothe her. I second Shannon's comment though, the twelve dancing pricesses scare me, though not as much as the antics of Shannon's barbies did when we were little. It's no wonder that she has all these creepy nightmares now, Ken was always capturing barbie and suspending her from various furniture about the room.
Chelsa, I believe it is the fabled Scepter of Power. Though it could be a digerido...
My sisters may have it right on. Julia may be wise beyond her years.
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