This is my second-to-last post involving Christmas photos (that's a hint to stay tuned...).
To the right you'll see our requisite kids-in-Christmas-garb-in-front-of-tree shot. You'll note the girls' delight in grappling a less-than-happy Sam, restraining him (red faced though he might be) for daddy's omnipresent camera.
Enjoy your physical dominance while you can, little girls. I suspect Sam might one day be able to fight back.
This last shot is of all (well almost all) of the Walkers and Walkers-in-law and chitluns out caroling. Specifically, this is on the Ostrom's doorstep. It's a large crowd, and thankfully the ladies are adept at keeping a tune. You'll see that Christine is at the center of the photo. What you might not see is that she is sitting at a Casio keyboard. That's right--she and Brian carted around the Casio to up the caroling ante. Now that is Christmas spirit (psychosis).
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