The resident male walrus was fascinated with the kids. He watched them through the glass, clapping his flippers together all the while.
The girls, for their part, were quite enamored with the massive pinniped. I imagine their fondness for the walrus would have turned to something else without the 4-inch-thick plexiglass separating them.
The walrus discovered Sam, and spent a few moments staring him down. Sam didn't quite know what to make of the beast before him, and the encounter soon degenerated into an uneasy Sam turning to mommy for solace and a disinterested walrus turning back to the girls.
Can any of you guess what the walrus was named? We didn't have to consult the display; the girls knew right away. That's right, you guessed it. The walrus is named Wally.
1 comment:
I bet that walrus was thinking, "I could swallow that kid in one bite" Ive seen that look before
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