One Couple's Stumblings Through Parenthood and Marriage
Five Years - Looking Back
In light of Annie and I's five year anniversary, I thought it would be fun to dig through some of our old photos and take a look at how much our family has changed through the course of our marriage.
You can see in this photo that Annie and I were so close right from the start. We have always been loving and very attentive to one another. If memory serves, this picture was taken as I tried to convince Annie that we should go ahead and try to have kids. She was reluctant at first, but once I explained the tax incentives, she was sold.

And I am so glad that she listened! Only two and a half years later we had our twin daughters. This photo is of me holding them. Kate is on the left, looking at the camera and being a good girl. Genna is on the right, not looking at the camera. It is amazing, right from the start we could see our little girls' personalities coming out.
The next biggest change came with the arrival of Julia, only five months ago. Here I am in our new home as she plays at my feet. She has been such a wonderful addition to our growing family. If you look closely, you can see a remarkable resemblance among the siblings.
These are just some of the wonderful things that have come our way in the past five years. I hope each of you is similary blessed.
I want more pictures of the Trio. Although I did find the apes very humerous. Jared was going around telling us about the African Ape Eating Monkey today, very gross. Kelly
I will see what I can dig up regarding actual photos of the trio. Jared is quite right about the African Ape Eating Monkey. What's nice, though, is that the Springfield winter kills them off.
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