One of my favorite details is how his hideout was stocked with Bounty candy bars and hotdogs.
Now the man is on trial by his own countrymen. I love it. Our soldiers have done a spectacular job. Let's hope that the elections coming up will go well, and that we can see this task through to the end.
Maybe tonight we should all eat Bounty bars and hotdogs, and spend some time in our own private 'spider holes' to commemorate the event.
i love your wit. these actually make me laugh OUTLOUD while i'm all alone...i feel like a dork.
Today i laughed outloud about the "spider hole" comment.
I'm so glad you're my Brudder-in-law...you're mine...all mine! Muahahahaha!!! (evil laugh)
Well, thank ye kindly, ma'am. I aim to please.
I am just happy that some people actually read my ramblings.
Don't feel like a dork, BE a dork - embrace it.
He would have been much better off if he had been eating sushi and horribre amounts of ginseng.
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