Kate and Genna were the first to get a look. Here they are standing on a bridge over the running water with the temple in the background. I viewed the photo on my camera's LCD and noticed that it was awfully dark and that my pictures weren't giving the display proper justice.

So I changed my camera setting to 'nightscape,' and took this photo of the manger scene. Wow, what a difference! I then got hooked on taking as many photos as possible.

This next picture was taken from the fountain by the entrance. Here is the temple in all its Christmas glory. Beautiful, isn't it?

This one is my pride and joy. This is the fountain by the square, framed by the temple. Now, that is beautiful.
We spent quite some time there. The weather was beautiful, and all nine grandkids got to run around and play. Here is a picture of my nephews.

At first I thought they were performing a reenactment of Jesus casting out the money changers from the temple. I was mistaken. It turns out that they were just rough-housing. Kurtis is the one with a maniacal gleam in his eye, and is busy grappling the smiling Carter. Casey, the youngest, is the little hooded figure in the foreground.
As we made ready to leave, my mother-in-law picked up Kate. Kate pointed at the temple, and said, "There's the temple. The temple is dangers!" I nearly shouted, Heathen child! Blasphemer! I was mistaken here, too. It turns out that when Annie had taken the girls out of the van, she said, "Hold my hand - we're in the temple parking lot. See the cars? It's dangerous." Oh, OK. I forgave Kate's slanderous comments this time.
I recommend going out to see the Christmas lights. For those of you who don't live near enough to Oakland, check out a temple near you.
Here is another handy temple finder to find pages/locations of other temples!
Thanks for that great temple finder! It is fantastic. Now I will never be temple-less again.
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