Ever heard of that theory of seven degrees of separation, that we are at most removed by 7 degrees of separation from any given individual on the planet? For instance, take a look at the pictures below. The first one is of Annie (left) and her sister Chris (right) hanging on the arms of Andy, the lead singer of Erasure. They accosted him after his recent accoustic concert in San Francisco. See how I almost met another famous person?
The bottom picture is of a good family friend, Jeff, with Kate Pierson of the B-52s. He was playing in a band for which she was the lead singer! Jeff is an incredibly gifted guitarist, and is guaranteed to be a force in the music scene. Ya, we're pretty much best friends, Jeff and I. He said that he would totally hook me up once he's famous.
Are you all jealous yet?

Jeff IS a pretty big deal around here. I am surprised that you didn't know that.
I saw MC Hammer at Tri-City in Fremont back in the 80's. Yeah, you can add that to your list.
Oh, anonymous, I DO know that he is a big deal. A very big deal.
Stina, you just got be thinking ... I might try to compile a list of all the famous people my friends know ...
Since you are basicaly best freinds, could you ask Kate Peirson why she is wearing a bindi for me?
Wow, I can't spell. And also, now that I look at it it might be somekind of headband/forehead necklace? I just don't even know anymore.
I'm sorry Annie and Uncle ChrissieI don't see any of Erasure's sex appeal. Unless maybe it's for my co-worker Michael.
Adam was also in Bedazzled with Elizabeth Hurley and Justin's favorite Brendan Fraiser.
MC Hammer as a blog now. What can I say, it's been a slow day today.
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