One Couple's Stumblings Through Parenthood and Marriage
My Mullet & Me
We hadn't been in Disneyland fifteen minutes when I came across this kid who was sporting one of the best mullets I had ever seen. Unable to help myself, I secretly took a picture of him in all his glory. In good conscience, I didn't want to post his picture and mock him on the internet - afterall, he was just a teenager trying to have a good time at the happiest place on earth with his family.
And yet, I still had to share the mullet.
Then it hit me - my buddy Ian could help. I have always wondered what I would look like with a mullet, but haven't had the nerve and wherewithal to grow one. But Ian, the preeminent Photoshopper, could give me one. So, here we have the glorious mullet I saw in Disneyland, but with my beautiful face. What do you think? Shall I grow one? I am sorely tempted ...
no no no no no no no no no no no! Ark!
Hey, it's your husband's evil-work.
O don't know, seems to me he looks a bit like "Mcguiver".
bad ian. very wicked ian. and mcguiver comparisons don't advance your cause.
I think it's hot. You know what they say, "Business in the front, party in the back."
Bri says he'll grow one with you. Maybe Bryce will too. His would be FIERCE.
I hope you're happy, Justin. Now Max is saying that he wants to grow a mullet. How am I supposed to cope with that? Huh?
It would seem that my mullet reveal has had unintended consequences. Chelsa is not at all pleased - her son is now demanding one, and not even the possibility of a McGuiver revival will forestall her wrath.
Now Christine wants all the Walker in-laws to grow mullets. As if it isn't bad enough that Bryce, Brian, and I already stand around the table while the blood-related Walkers eat, but now we will also be social outcasts.
Your Disney daddy seems very ashamed to be seen with you.
Kelly, he has always been ashamed of me. Thanks for bringing it up.
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