Then the teachers staying with my parents saw the twins. Pictures were taken of them throughout the evening - hopefully for the exact opposite reason of the pictures taken of the cat ...
Finally, at the end of the evening, my dad got to show off his hand guns to the boys. They were thrilled and quick to take pictures of them. But I have a bit of a problem when it comes to the guns.
When I first discovered the boy's enthusiasm for guns, I volunteered that maybe we could take them to the shooting range. But Kevin can be a bit ... hmmm ... rowdy? when it comes to firearms. On the first evening in our house he pretended to cock a shotgun and fire it at my gut. Then last night, he saw me walk into the room and he picked up my dad's .357 Colt Python and pointed it at my face. I shook my head at him and my dad lowered Kevin's arm, but the boy seems to have a fascination with shooting me. I don't know that I want to give him the opportunity to do so. Hopefully I have found a way out - we asked the teachers if we could take them shooting. They will ask the program director, and hopefully the director will say no. If he says yes, then we might mysteriously run out of time and never get around to the shooting range.
Anyone have a kevlar vest and helmet that I can wear for the next week and a half?
All right, first of all, Princess is not a bad cat at all. I have always liked her, and it is not her fault that she has an unfortunate haircut. Secondly, Seven and Kevin need to be kept at least fifteen feet from weapons of any kind -- guns, swords, big sticks, chicken elmo -- you name it, lock it up until they have gone! Our national security is at risk!
Princess is likeable, but a little bit abominable - just a little bit.
Chicken Elmo! I hadn't considered that! I need to call Annie immediately ...
pointing a real gun in my direction would be the last time that dude ever held a gun within 10 miles of me
he sounds unstable, foreign or not
if he wants to feel what it's like to shoot a gun ask him to stick his palm at you then punch it nice and hard while yelling "BANG"
I'm afraid I must agree with you Mike. That showed really poor judgement, even for a kid who hasn't been trained in proper gun safety. You would think simple etiquette would prevent him from sticking a gun in my face.
Ya, not cool. You don't point guns at people. Still, I have got to meet these guys...way more interesting then your last students.
I want to know, why when Jared asked Mom if she liked the boy's, she said yes. Especially Kevin.
Justin, I think you might want to look into this.
They are pretty cool kids. I hope we can arrange to have y'all meet.
Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.
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