One Couple's Stumblings Through Parenthood and Marriage
Free Training for the PLA
I am going to petition China's People's Liberation Army for reimbursement of the range fees and cost of ammunition discharged when we took their citizens and future soldiers, Kevin and 7, to the firing range yesterday. I know, I know, it may come to a surprise to you that we took them. But we thought long and hard about it, and both Annie and I agreed that we would give Kevin the benefit of the doubt and go ahead and put a gun in his hand.
Before shooting, my dad gave both the boys a thorough education in gun safety, and they listened attentively. Then he demonstrated by firing his .357 Magnum and Sig Sauer. They were very impressed. So much so, that Kevin said he didn't want to try it, saying, "No, it is too powerful." 7 wasn't so reluctant.
You can see here that he took to holding a handgun pretty well. He squeezed off six rounds, only shaking his hand from the recoil once he was done. He then moved on to fire the Sig Sauer. Kevin watched intently the whole time and didn't ask to try until 7 had shown that you could survive firing a gun.
7 did pretty well. He even made a bullseye with the Colt Python. Not bad at all. His ease at shooting made me wonder if he was a highly-trained commie spy ...
Kevin (shown left) finally warmed up to the guns, but preferred the little 22 rifle. He got pretty good at loading and rapid firing it. He even gave 7 a brief lesson in how to aim it.
My moral dilemna now is knowing that I have trained Chinese soldiers, since China practices compulsory military service on all her citizens. I have brought card-carrying Communists into my house, fed them, taught them, and placed loaded firearms in their hands. Eek. What would McCarthy think? Thankfully they are good lads, and Kevin at least won't end up a Communist (as I said, 7 may already be a commie agent under deep cover). Kevin believes strongly things have got to change in his home country. I take some solace in that.
Now that you have instructed Kevin and Seven in the art of American style gunplay, shouldn't they teach the art of sword fighting while leaping gracefully through the tops of trees like the do in the documentary film "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon"?
I'm with Ian. If I see you and your students hoping about from tree to tree in the holding pond, I'm breaking out my wooden katana and coming after you
We don't practice our tree leaping in the hold pond - no trees. Rather, we leap about on sunflower, wheat, and corn stalks. It's the best we can do.
I am getting quite adept at it. You should see Annie, though, a real natural.
I feel that Seven and Kevin are the most ominous students you have had to date, even including guy-who-left-hair-on-the-floor and natto-guy.
I think McCarthy would be pleased....very pleased.
This duo is quite ominous, especially with the specter of McCarthy tossed in.
if 7's cluster is any indication of how highly trained commie spies handle firearms I think we should attack NOW
That's a good point, Mike. You comfort me.
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