One Couple's Stumblings Through Parenthood and Marriage
A Model in the Making
In Kate we have a model in the making. Her confident stride, her use of the beach setting, her wind-blown hair, her choice of wardrobe (Cinderella swimsuit), all speak of a sophisticated fashion sense and ability to play to the camera. I just need to channel this emerging talent into wholesome endeavors. Maybe L.L. Bean catalogs and Mervyn's spreads?
and, of course, calvin klein perfume ads.
Bah -- Send the kid to engineering school. She can be the first geek with fashion sense. :)
found you through "Blogs in Space" just stopping by to say howdy.
TJ,you're right. Kate is cut out for more than being a princess or model.
No high hopes for being Cinderella at disneyland?
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