One Couple's Stumblings Through Parenthood and Marriage

Friday, April 21, 2006

Alternative methods ...

Buppa H feels my pain. He has had to use the same contraption to stretch his neck. He suggested that maybe I should up the weight from a ten pound water bag to a cinder block - to really get my neck stretched ...

... this has got me thinking ...

I could tie a rope to a high tree branch and have the other end wrapped around my neck. I'll be sitting on a horse. Once the rope is in place, someone could slap the horse's rear, causing it to bold and leaving me hanging in mid air.

Or, I could construct a wooden platform, including a high horizontal beam. I will tie a rope around this beam, with the other end wrapped around my neck, and then I will stand on a trap door on the platform. Someone can release the trap door, and I will be left hanging in mid air.

In both scenarios, I will have to be blindfolded because I am afraid of heights. I'll try one of them out this weekend. I don't have a horse, but a friend of ours has several emu. That should work.


Buppa H said...

That's the ticket!

Ian said...

Why am I suddenly reminded of "The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly"?

Anonymous said...

Later, you can quit your job and travel the country as Justin, the giraffe-necked boy. That'll be pretty great.

Raging Wombat said...

Ian - will you be on hand to shoot the noose rope?

Chelsa - Good plan. I already have my neck stretched a good 8 inches.