One Couple's Stumblings Through Parenthood and Marriage

Friday, May 05, 2006

Celebrating Cinco de Mayo

Our celebration of Cinco de Mayo will not include the imbibing of alcohol. Instead, we are going to be performing a reenactment of the Battle of Puebla.

I'll be playing the part of General Ignacio Zaragoza, fearless leader of the Mexican troops, assigned by President Benito Juarez (played by Annie) to stop the French troops at all costs. My daughters will be dressed in traditional Mexican peasant garb, with Kate and Genna armed with rifles, and baby Julia with a machete.

Opposite us will be my siblings, playing the French, of course. My brother will fill the role of the foolish French commander, General Laurencez. My sister Shannon will play the roll of the French cavalry (she requested it, since she loves horses), and Kelly will be the French infantrymen - she has been perfecting her 'drop-your-rifle-and-run' technique for quite some time.

It should be a lot of fun. My only concern is that we might not have enough victory sombreros and French surrender flags ...


Ian said...

Huh...and I thought I was cool 'cause I was going to make guac and watch the Kings...

Anonymous said...

Whew, that was harder then I thought. I just had to remember the old saying, raise your right arm if you like the French, raise both arms if you are the French. I never thought that old adage would pay off so well.